City Council candidate filing period opens soon; nomination period begins July 18

Photo by Samantha Bravo.

Anyone interested in running for Malibu City Council can begin the paperwork process beginning Monday July 18 at 7:30 a.m. Papers to file for candidacy must be pulled during the nomination period that runs until Friday, August 12 at 4:30 p.m. If an incumbent does not file for reelection the nomination period extends to Wednesday, August 17. Malibu’s 

Municipal Election will take place on the same date as the California General Election, November 8, 2022. Nomination packets must be pulled in person at City Hall. 

It’s recommended to schedule an appointment with City Clerk Kelsey Pettijohn. Pettijohn can be reached at or by calling 310-456-2489, ext. 228. The City Clerk’s office hours run Mondays through Thursdays from 8a.m. to 5p.m. and Fridays from 8a.m. to 4 p.m. City hall is located at 23825 Stuart Ranch Road, Malibu. 

Masks are now required while visiting City Hall. 

An important note: Candidates are not allowed to raise or spend money in connection with their campaigns until they complete signing two forms; The Declaration of Intent to Solicit and Receive Contributions Form and the Fair Political Practices Commission Form 501. The two forms must be filed with the City Clerk. Both forms are available online at the City’s elections web page at, along with information on important dates, voter registration, vote-by-mail ballots, and candidates. 

The page will be regularly updated with new information. Malibu Mayor Paul Grisanti recently stated, “Participating in elections, whether by voting or running as a candidate, is crucial to ensuring that the City reflects the needs, concerns and values of the entire community.”